Hi, I'm Jazu, I'm playing BatMUD as a Tarmalen/Druid with decent EQ and some boons.
Here is all the stuff you can find on my website:
// Changelog
-- Current version: 4.7 --
- Added bard_play_helper.bcs trigger to the trigger collection.
- Added tzarakk.bcs trigger to the trigger collection.
- Made one website for all the triggers instead of separate one for my own triggers.
- New year, new project! Coded a website where you can get custom player commands.
- Submit your own or use other players commands!
- Can be found here: https://doomilaakso.xyz/jazu/command/
- Lots of random edits also...
- Big version upgrade with the new command website coded... I call this version 4.1
- Made a whole new version of qol.bcs, lot's of new stuff!
- Link collection has new look with search capability
- Some small edits
- I call this version 3.1
- Created a chest manager - link in the top section.
- Added Search Engine Optimization for every site. - version 1.38
- Added sitemap.xml - version 1.39
- TODO: Code the links section to look better.
- Made new version of qol.bcs script
- Updated the websites qol.bcs html to match the new version
- Saved all developer .bcs scripts from batlient to https://doomilaakso.xyz/triggers/bat/
- Added how to make triggers box in help.html
- Updated scriptNavigator.js version - 1.55
- Now the trigger collection includes sorting
- You can sort by name, author or category
- Tweaked scriptNavigator.js again, now it's pretty and functional.
- Changed couple of duplicate script names by different authors to [script]_[author].bcs to make the navigator short descriptions work. Had to change the download links aswell.
- Added descrption section to all the trigger collection main boxes, also made the short descriptions in the navigator make more sense. I call this version 1.3.
- Changed my_triggers.html to be in the same format as all_triggers.html. - Version 1.31
- Added the actual colors into the qol.bcs triggers website so it's easier to see the color scheme of the script. Version - 1.32
- TODO: Add the actual colors into all of the scripts on the trigger collection, like on my script.
- Made new version of links.html - Version 1.33
- Small tweaks here and there to make the site look better - Version 1.34
- Created separate website for help on how to install triggers. - version 1.35
- Collected all triggers I could find, made AI analyze them and make a summary of what they do.
- Added the triggers neatly and organized into the page "Trigger collection".
- Added download links to the triggers, everything is hosted locally here.
- Added a navigator on the "Trigger collection" page, you can search and navigate between the triggers easy now.
- Added cool matrix style background effect, with all of the spells and skills available in the game. It also includes a button with the letter "M" in the left hand corner to disable/enable it.
- Made the scroll bar match the site theme
- Added nice glow effect hover coloring on the trigger navigator
- Added google analytics, might add analytics for every download later...
- Changed the dots on trigger collection page to green to match the theme.
- Made the navigation links look more consistent with the website
- Added transparent box for logo and title
- Added explanation about the site on the homepage
- First full version of the site made today, I call it version 1.0
- TODO: Change the download buttons in the trigger collection to nicer ones -> IMPLEMENTED
- Made the backbutton closer to the main webpage so it's more noticable - thanks Malos for suggesting this.
- TODO: Make short descriptions in the navigator on the links collection - Malos suggestion, will be implemented -> IMPLEMENTED
- Added short descriptions for trigger navigator, quick and dirty... - I call this version 1.1 of the site...
- TODO: Add short description also into the summaries of the triggers. -> IMPLEMENTED
- TODO: Some triggers have identical names, probably have to change them to different names so that the short description will work for them... -> IMPLEMENTED
- Started coding the website, got the basics done.
- Added back to top button in the bottom right hand corner. - Thanks Bamot for suggesting this.
- Added loading animation when loading pages.
- Added logo
- Coded my first trigger for public use, it's listed in "My triggers"
- Added cool effect that starts when you load the website, the motto below the title gets writed up like a typewriter.